Today went to the site to watch the press conference millet note,As a from milletmiui systemThe event,On urgent attention to his change in North Huaqiang,We can say that today many feelings,Especially today to visit this site makes me feel great。This time I put aside the phone hardware does not say,But this conference to talk about the changes from millet to see something out of it,Phone Well,In fact, a little more subjective selection factor,And now,Millet does not see how a mobile phone is the final say,Talk about some of the views through the millet phone conference generated a bar。
First Ray always said is the first point is milletStart-up companies,It is certainly true,And it can be saidBest of start-up companiesNow it seems that the。Dong Mingzhu also laugh a little sister,But more important it is to say under 1.2 billion shares millet beautiful thing,This is not to say things and money and be able to explain the wayward,Millet is to build mobile phone as the central connection of all equipment,

In fact, Ray always denied in the following words in his own remark,In fact, the center is to create a millet smart home connected to our mobile Internet。Whether millet phone,Millet cloud services,Millet intelligent module,Or ecological chain millet smart hardware vendors,Looks like they are doing one thing,Millet as the center to create a smart home connected to the mobile Internet users。

Then is mine always said to say that the ecological chain millet,First, from the point of view in terms of altruism,Ecological chain millet intelligent hardware vendors to help solve the three major pain points,And tell the ecological chain millet cooperation policy:open、Not exclusively,Non-independent。

It seems to me now the enemy of millet,It should be his own。Open innovation is his self-defeated self first step to success。

Ray always next millet also mentioned patents,Now more and more people think millet itself more and more attention to soft power,Soft power is not just technology patents,More talent,Innovation ability and innovative model。Also shows that the most core of the Internet company's soft power,As a start-up companies,Soft power is quickly defeated with numerous hard power company's magic,Traveling light,Boat U-turn,In this era of rapidly changing Internet,The importance of soft power is far greater than the hard power。
Ray always talked about and to become one of the world's largest enterprise patent,This spirit is really great Internet giant,Hope millet early realization。
Ray always today also announced a mobile phoneMillet note,

Ray always telling millet note in all aspects of R & D,All found,Millet is hard to do a cell phone,Hard to do a product,To reduce a decimal point after the desperately,This is the ultimate,Is the pursuit of product,Not as artisan spirit,But this should strive for the ultimate requirements,I can not help but feel awe and touched。
of course,Ray always been in the course of the conference will6pCome up with something,In yet another aspect that came out,Apple is a good phone。

The conference saw a lot of millet shine,Ray always love to the fans,Millet is toHigh b griddevelopment of,Phone progress,Constant pursuit of the ultimate,Ecological chain inclusive。I look forward to growing millet become a more valuable company in the next year,Willing millet thinking of the Internet to maximize。We look forward to the day,Most want to buy a mobile phone is not the iphone but millet
Co-author:Poetry fleeting、 934395018@
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