Migrate Plesk to Hestia

Using AWS Lightsail + Please My friends may have heard of it,Plesk decides to cancel cloud platform cooperation for free 3 Domain name authorized。My two domain names,One of the domain names also has two sub-domain websites.,You can just use this authorization,You need to pay now too。

Go to the official website and take a look,The cheapest license is 10 domain name,$169.5 dollars a year! All right,Even with the half-price promotion,It’s only half price for the first year,I actually only use two domain names,It’s really not cost-effective。So I thought it would be better to replace the panel.。

I have experience this time,I no longer think about free prostitution licenses,The current global economic downturn,Everyone is cutting leeks one after another。Hestia It’s a good open source panel, It originated from the original well-reputed Vesta panel,I looked,Full documentation,The functions are also sufficient (website management,Document Management,Mail system,Database management, etc.),So I decided to use it as my new panel。

It is worth mentioning that,Experienced administrators may still be dismissive of the admin panel...I used to be like that too,After trying out the free Plesk by chance a few years ago,Hey! I really can’t go back :) Including the mail server I am currently building for my client,Also used Please (right,You also have to migrate) It really saves a lot of things。

Configuration requirements

Hestia have their ownConfiguration requirementspage,Simply put, the configuration requirements are very low,Generally available。I just start Lightsail which is the cheapest $5 ,System selection Ubuntu 22.04 LTS,The official statement is that it is compatible with all Ubuntu LTS,So in the future you see this article,You don’t have to choose the same system version as me,As long as it's the latest LTS。

The official requirement for memory is at least 1GB.,This is after streamlining spam and virus scanning。Although our VPS only has 512M of memory,but i use swap Expand it to 3 GB,There's nothing wrong with running it

You should listen to what developers say...or else you'll get slapped in the face。512M does successfully run Hestia,But only for single site and small traffic use。As long as the traffic is larger,Encounter Hestia internal scheduled task startup again,The machine is stuck。So now I have upgraded to 1G memory.。


You need to ssh to the VPS to operate,ToThis pageDownload script,And then you can customize the run to suit your needs - of course,You can also start the script directly using interactive,This way it will prompt you step by step。Pay attention here,Be sure to check Force,Because the system will default to the admin user,This conflicts with Hestia (Quote)。Since our system is brand new,So it doesn't matter if Hestia deletes it and recreates it.。

Download script wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/release/install/hst-install.sh

note,You must be root to run the script,Not available sudo 。of course,You can also use first sudo his Switch identities and execute the command again。

My custom installation module

My custom installation module

My custom options are as shown above,You can set up the administrator email in one step here,password,Panel domain name,language etc.。Here I canceled email-related functions and anti-virus,to reduce system performance requirements,I use a third-party service for my email,after all Lightsail The default is to block the mail port,You cannot use the server to send emails directly。I also checked forced installation and canceled interactive installation,This way you can install it in one step.。

It is noteworthy that:Your password must be complex enough,Simple passwords may not meet Hestia's strength requirements。The panel's port is 8083

extra work

After the script is finished running, Hestia has actually been installed successfully.,Restart the server,You can use your domain name plus the default 8083 Port access panel。but before that,You still need to do some extra work:

Add SSL certificate to domain name

This step cannot be completed in the panel,Hestia will report an error when starting。First in VPS sudo his then v-add-letsencrypt-host .。

Fix PhpMyAdmin

If you open PhpMyAdmin directly,You will see a red error message that the configuration file is unreadable.,The reason is the default permission setting problem,Use the command sudo chown -R root:www-data /etc/phpmyadmin/ Just set the correct user group for the configuration directory。

note,You still need to set up domain name resolution,to use phpmyadmin normally, When I directly use the domain name to access hestia, I still get an error when I open phpmyadmin. 404.

Necessary configuration

After the installation is completed and you enter the panel,There are some necessary configurations that need to be completed,These are also some of the pitfalls I stepped into during the migration process.:

Create operating user

The Hestia default account is actually the root user,You'll need to manually create accounts for each site (the good news is you don't have to remember the passwords for those accounts,Because it can be switched with one click from the administrator interface),of course,If you are as lazy as me,Just create one。

It is noteworthy that:In the future when you create the database,Hestia will also force you to add your username as a prefix。

Enable database one-click login

If you don't enable this,You will need the account and password for each database to use PhpMyAdmin。Find Configure → Databases in settings,Then open "phpMyAdmin Single Sign On" and click save.,No other changes are needed。

Modify Apache default timeout

Apache default Timeout setting is 60 second,Hestia default setting is 30 seconds。This is too short,Both users and ourselves,You may encounter gateway timeout errors.。For example, when uploading and importing a database through PhpMyAdmin。

Find the apache2 module in settings,Click Edit to open its configuration file,The first configurable option is Timeout,Set to the size you like,I changed it to 300 seconds,That is, 5 minute。



From now on,Your Hestia is ready。Create a website or database,Even a mail server,No problem at all!

Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Migrate Plesk to Hestia

Reproduced Please keep the source and description link:https://www.logcg.com/archives/3850.html

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