How to correct "posture" Uninstall WP Super Cache

Many people are recommended on the blogWordPressOf a plug,Be calledWP Super Cache

This plug-in effects

It isTo speed up your site! Yes, you read that right,But it's really easy to use it?Skip to speak here,Also because later on I will write a post to talk about it and discuss some of the problems for the environment。This article,Our goal is to see how to correct

Uninstall WP Super Cache

In fact,existWP Super Cache OfficialReadme manualAmong there on how to uninstall this section,but,Natural content is in English,I think this requirement will be relatively high starting point,So I am here to help you help WP Super Cache put on this part of the translation and uninstall add,hope this helps。(Also,I will try in the next few days will be translated into Chinese and then the entire readme submitted to the WP Super Cache Team,If they accept,This plug-in that future there will be Chinese version of readme)。In short,Ideal is plump,We take a look

Unloading step

1、Close and empty the cache;

First, plug-in function insideClose pre-caching(The time is set to 0)、Under Advanced or Normal tabTurn off cachingfunction,Then click the Delete button cache,Make sure you haveDelete all caches。I did this step screenshot,I think since you are able to successfully install the plug-blog,Then this step is not beat you。(Okay, I admit that I forgot screenshot ~)

2、Disabling plug-ins;

Discern,Do deftDeleted oh ~

3、Modify wp-config.php;

In your space www or wwwroot God is this horseRoot directoryin,turn upwp-config.php,Edit it,As shown below to delete you were to add two lines of code。


//Added by WP_Cache

//Added by WP_Cache

Perhaps your situation is not exactly the same with my screenshot,Remember work,OptimisticBehind Notes.。

4、Restore .htaccess file;

If you had advanced caching enabled,Then you must modify the .htaccess,It is used to open the pseudo-static,So you need to remove from the inside outWP Super CacheProvided rules,This file is also present in the root directory of your website,According to comments,You can select Delete from head to toe:

Note optimistic about the beginning and end,Do more nothing less。

Note optimistic about the beginning and end,Do more nothing less。

5、Delete WP Super Cache Files;

Not a plug-in files in the directory,But youwp-content directorydocument,There are two,They arewp-content/advanced-cache.php and wp-content/wp-cache-config.php as the picture shows:

WP Super Cache file systems of two

WP Super Cache file systems of two

6、Delete WP Super Cache cache directory

This directory also locatedwp-contentDirectory,Inside will contain theWP Super CacheCache files,If you do not empty the cache, then,You will see all kinds of good HTML page cache file it in a folder called your domain name。

Oh, right,The location of this directory iswp-content/cache As shown below

WP Super Cache cache directory

WP Super Cache cache directory

7、Remove the plug。

call,Period is not relieved to see it? Yes! Now you can go to the plugin page that has been deleted of disabledWP Super CachePlug it!

Do not rush happy,Now hurry from another page to refresh the look of your home site kneel guess not! If all goes well,Then congratulations you have the perfect WP Super Cache stripped from your blog them out;of course,If the site has been kneeling,I can only give you the last straw,Please remove all content under wp-content directoryThen try:)

Oh, right,If you really still kneeling,you mustmake sureYou follow the above steps aroundProper operationOh ~This step is in accordance with my people official translation supplementary steps come,Very "authentic"。

At last,Added the:Rush wording,Errors omissions,Welcome you treatise。



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