Month – April 2018

Chsh -s mismatch with how to shell the rescue?

With the wrong default environment is not terrible,Well matched back like a big deal。

Obviously,He says such things there is no story。

In short,If you find that your vps One day suddenly can not log in,The content is not being given no authority,But the certificate is to determine the right - then you might be wrong with the last exit before the shell。At this time, even if you use the console to log on,After logging will find a flash[……]

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Fail2Ban protection of Nginx Advanced Configuration Services

existAfter purchasing a VPS you should spare security measuresAs we mentioned with fail2ban To protect ssh ,So even without changingsshPort (default is22),Also can be done to avoid brute force password,Of course,We have opened the credentials to log in and closed the ssh password login option,But with fail2ban Kill those who keep trying to make us feel bot is also a pleasant thing[……]

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