
Influence "wprp.zemanta.com" of domestic WP

Like many others,Gerber also found a drop-off

This link,Since this is a foreign address,It caused the most direct impact is directly slow down the loading speed of the page。And also because it is another domain,So we can not bring it up Cache。

Then,This is exactly what things?

See end of file[……]

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WordPress how to use pseudo-static open the CNAME CDN ​​acceleration

Some time ago,Off the grid has been to use WP Super Cache's CDN functionality with seven cattle do CDN cache acceleration,Use good。Wandering off the grid has been using space provided by the host,Now four years,Space also moved from the west coast of Hong Kong,Now wandering out of their own CDN service,of course,Just internal use,But I was the first time joined the。

but,And those sites provide external di[……]

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How to correct "posture" Uninstall WP Super Cache

Many people are recommended on the blogWordPressOf a plug,Be calledWP Super Cache

This plug-in effects

It isTo speed up your site! Yes, you read that right,But it's really easy to use it?Skip to speak here,Also because later on I will write a post to talk about it and discuss some of the problems for the environment。This article,Our goal is to see how to correct

Uninstall WP[……]

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It can automatically recommend a summary intercept plugin WP-UTF8-Excerpt

Plug-ins Introduction:

WordPress comes digest function only supports Western characters,WordPress plug-ins or other summary was bad for Chinese support,Easily garbled;Either the original removed all formats,Leaving only bare text。This plug-in is a summary of plug-ins for Chinese,You can set whether to preserve the formatting tags article,Such as font、Colour、link、Pictures。

main feature:

1,Support multi[……]

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Use seven cattle CDN cause ajax error Comments{“error”:”get from image source failed: E405″}


Because before routing always wanted to tryThird-party social comment boxWP to replace their comments,But nonetheless could not find any suitable selection,Now once again we had to exchange for carrying the comment box。(Well, anyway, no one will come to comments。)

But after the exchange's own comment box I found a problem,That is when the matter turned Ajax publish what comments,Will lead{“error”:”g[……]

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WordPress plugin common social comment Comment

Routing recently spent a few days to say social comment,Beginning the feeling is still very good。Mainly due to the WP commenting system comes with it is a bit difficult to accept - but hard to read these days I discovered with many problems,So the way,Simply put the current tried several domestic plug to make a social comment Comment,of course,Their version is as of the date when the article was published,With the future of my choice and I change[……]

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Routine maintenance is being performed,Please come back a minute later

If you are a creation with Wordpress,Then you must not have less experience problems updating。

In some cases,The system then prompts you to update yourself and not normal,We get stuck in place all kinds of weird,For example, the most common form:

Routine maintenance is being performed,Please come back a minute later。


To solve this problem is not difficult,ftp to the root directory of your Wordpress,Then find[……]

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WordPress complete eradication of Open Sans font


Since WP recently updated several new versions since,Open WP from national speed is getting slower and slower,Seconds on a stretch from the original into a child can not open,This route had once made their own blog hosts, where the wall is out =。=

later,WP Super Cache get the route to achieve a full stop pre-caching,Then also optimized the code highlighting pluginWP syntaxhighlighter,You can access speed[……]

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