Mac version of Thunder quietly collect user BT seeds

Just today,Small waiting six months for Mac version of Thunder finally updated again,A new version - although no new features,But finally dragged fixes a bug when running around the window。

But,Also encountered the problem can not be downloaded offline。With the help of the test while debugging,I found some other things:I accordance with the requirementsThunderComes debug tool to generate statistical information archive altogether 70M large!

At all events,So many log files - Well,Apple had a year Log bug I experienced for GB I have been surprised by the level of log,But because of my bad side network,I had to do my best - the Thunder package log informationUnzip,Then find the log can be sent sent out。

Thunder does not remove the update package

then,Well, II found this

Thunder in early 2014, download the update package

Thunder in early 2014, download the update package

Yes, you read that right,this is 2014 In the update package,Thunder never deleted! This is also the cause debug information gathering enormous archive of reasons,I am speechless。

Thunder quietly collection of all your BT seeds

At the same time I began to wonder,It also quietly hiding what。I am in this Package The same directory where the directory,Also I found a very interesting catalog BT ,I moved the,Thunder really did not let me down:

Thunder quietly collect your BT seeds

Thunder quietly collect your BT seeds

from methe first timeStart download Mac version of Thunder,mineallLocal opened the BT seeds, and magnetic link it all here!

at first,I thought it was a magnetic cache,But will generate a magnetic cache in the same directory where the downloaded files,Here, too, that a cache of it is very strange - I deleted the directory of all the seeds,Then use Thunder download a new,really,The seeds will be copied to this directory - if one day you submit debug information to Thunder,Then the BT seeds -note:Not your recently downloaded,All!- Will be submitted。


Ok,Since it can be packaged into a debug package,It means your disk is certainly in the presence of these things,I've said above,,I found its catalog。Well thanks to Apple's sandbox,Nothing more than their own directory and app application support table of Contents,Sure,exist ~/Library/Application Support/Thunder Find the complete。

so,The next step is how to prevent these files are written to the Thunder。Our simple question with a simple way to get,As in earlier years to deal with the same software in the ad,As long as we remove the corresponding permissions to the directory:

Thunder no longer allowed access to BT directory

Thunder no longer allowed access to BT directory

Select BT directory,Press the shortcut button cmd + i ,Or click the right mouse button (or hold down control Then click the left mouse button),Then the shortcut menu, select show profile Push button,Check inside the BT profile locked Checkbox,As a result,,Thunder no longer in the directory "collection" of your BT seeds。

At this time if you open bt seed download,Thunder can still work (I'm currently testing did not find any problems),But if you open the console,You will see the Thunder without being given access to the BT directory,Many will feel at ease watching:

Thunder BT no longer has write access to the directory

Thunder BT no longer has write access to the directory

At last

Say,This is what I came up with a temporary way,After the Thunder updated maybe will change more secretive way to store your BT file,Because it's like QQ Pinyin keyword blacklist are the same as in the accidental discovery,There is no guarantee how long can fly。Also, if you think this affected the normal work of Thunder,Then restore the rights for the directory immediately in accordance with the above method。Notify me and respond in this article below。

Finally, the last,If you use the words of Thunder offline,You may download all records are to be investigated,In short,We see mood to treat it!

Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Mac version of Thunder quietly collect user BT seeds

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