
Reprint:Multi-paradigm programming language-an example of Swift

The original from InfoQ,Author Guo Lin

Based on the Swift case study of language,Introduction what is a multi-paradigm programming language;Also introduces several of today's more popular programming paradigm,Worth a read。Collection,Original linkIn this

Swift programming paradigm

Programming paradigm is the idea behind the program language。Representing programming language designers believe that how the program should be built and implemented。Common programming paradigm:[……]

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Swift 2.0 Introduction

WWDC conference in June this year on, Apple released Swift 2.0 Programming language。This new version has improved performance,The new API error control and detection support class availability。And improved Apple SDK platform API to make it more native to Swift。


For new features for,Also worth noting is that Apple will open later this year Swift[……]

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Swift as how to receive the inlet parameters like C language?


We all know that in the Swift language which is no longer the main function,You may understand C language or Java language students arrived at this point of deep discomfort。In short,Instead main.swift。

Swift language in which,The compiler will not[……]

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What is a programming language?

Since you want to learn programming,Then we should at least know their own learning is what it okay?

Speaking of programming,In fact, the earliest still have to catch up with our big brother Alan Turing God go。At that time Turing invented Turing machine - this thing is very fast hardware,Finish all had easily shortened to two years of World War II where we do not start speaking up,We say that the main,The Turing Machine,Basically it is the first computer!

of course,[……]

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Swift Common Types of data

Now most of the high-level programming language,All evolved from the classic C language,You grammar which in these programming languages,More or less can be found in the shadow of a fraction of the C language,This is why a lot of people still recommend,From the C programming language into the language of the door。

but,C language is indeed a sufficient old,Many people are directed to write a program target learning to play the APP,You to learn C language ...... sorry,[……]

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Watercress FM song list access

Swift recently started learning the,It is like "hello world" as,Each language seems to always have a "write Douban FM" project tutorial😶

In short,I started using this process taught to become familiar with the development process,but,Only yesterday did show playlists and display the song Cover,Today adds playback collapsed flash back!

Ok,Even the newly added[……]

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Could not load the image referenced from a nib in the bundle running on device

In use xcode Make a program when,We generally use some pictures instead of stiff off button text,Make the interface more beautiful。

but,When adding pictures,I met when editing storyboard You can display,But the problem when the program is running, but can not be displayed。

View Record found error:

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