This time in preparation for a called "triple play" technology race,The game may be used HuaweiSoftCo9500Softswitch,By learning a few days,I summed up some of the more commonly used troubleshooting commands,Below for some simple examples to explain,These commands are a lot of overlapping content,Routing hope you will choose the most appropriate commands in the actual situation according to their needs。Although the practice is not necessarily all use,But for the game is typical among,It is indispensable。Due to the limited level of the author himself,Rush wording,Omissions,We look to our readers to be corrected,In the ensuing days, if I found a better use of the command or commands which can be removed,Updates will come in time。
18Number Update:Using the new code label,So that the code will not be misplaced,It looks more comfortable。Removed a deprecated command (command #sh office has been replaced)。[/warning]
[noway]P.S.:(Since the command translation) and this article is not strictly distinguish between internal numbers、Prefix and prefix definitions of terms such as。[/noway]
1、See all current machines in the game (forwards) prefix #sh prefix
Function Description
Use this command to quickly see the correspondence between a prefix to the Board,So as to achieve the purpose of quickly troubleshoot errors。In CallAttribute column,Content local prefix between the bureau prefix,When compared to inter-local prefix。In view of the degree of competition,CallCategory should be as basic column,Otherwise mismatch。
After a review of certain details about what prefix rearmost,You can directly view the list associated with the called analysis,Note that the list with the subject than the number and types of modifications, etc.。If CLDPredeal Information no content and is not associated with the legend!
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh prefix Prefix SubPBXNo Prefix CallCategory CallAttribute CustomAttribute OfficeSelectCode // 前缀 类型 属性 局向选择码 -------- ------ ------------ ------------------ --------------- ---------------- 0 1000 basic local null 10 0 1100 basic local null 16 0 1111 basic inter null 0 1 basic inter null 0 2 basic inter null 0 3 basic inter null 0 4 basic inter null 0 5 basic inter null</pre> //查看以上名单中具体某一前缀(8591)的详细内容 <pre>[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh prefix dn 8591 Prefix SubPBXNo Prefix CallCategory CallAttribute CustomAttribute ChargeIndex SelectOff iceCode -------- ------ ------------ ------------- --------------- ----------- --------- ------- 0 8591 basic local null --- 2 MinLen MaxLen UseLongCLI If4PSTN WaitNextNumTimerLen PwdCallLimit CallerNumAuth ------ ------ ---------- ------- ------------------- ------------ ------------- 0 32 NO YES 0 (ms) YES No CLDPredeal Information //重要!!查看与此前缀关联的号码分析信息 CLDPredeal CLDIndex ChangeType ChangePos ChangeLen NewDn ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------- ----- YES 2 DELETE 0 4 - ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
2、See gateway access information #sh sipue
Function Description
Use this command to quickly see the relationship between the gateway and registered softswitch,Quick View enabled gateway phone ,To quickly determine the phone number and availability。
StatusColumn showsOK/LOGINIndicates that the number of normal and gateway,IPIP address bar should correspondIP Gatewayaddress,if not,You need to modify or reconfigure。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh sipue SIPUE Information ID EID DN IP Status Expire(*s) IsUC Longdn AuthType P assword -- ----- ----- ------------- ----------------- ---------- ---- ------ -------- - ------- 3 10010 10010 OK/LOGIN 120 NO NoAuth 4 6688 6688 OK/LOGIN 120 NO NoAuth 5 2001 2001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 6 2002 2002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 7 3002 3002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 8 3001 3001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 9 4001 4001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 10 4002 4002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 11 5002 5002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 12 5001 5001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 13 6016 6016 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 14 6002 6002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 15 7002 7002 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 16 7001 7001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 17 8001 8001 FAULT/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth 20 8006 NOT_CONFIG/LOGOUT 0 NO NoAuth SupportUpdate ------------- YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ------- Matched record number : [16] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== //根据EID查看上表中某一前缀(2001)的详细信息 [%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh sipue eid 2001 SIPUE Information //前缀 号码所在网关IP 状态 EID Dn AuthorizationType IP Password Status Expire(*s) Pktmi n/Pktmax ---- ---- ----------------- ------------- -------- ------------ ---------- ----- -------- 2001 2001 NoAuth FAULT/LOGOUT 0 20 IsUC SupportUpdate ---- ------------- NO YES ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
3、View all users within the current client list #sh subscriber
Function Description
Use this command to quickly determine the corresponding number of available state,StateThe fence should be IDLE,It shows that the phone is idle standby,Otherwise incorrect,Must comply with other commands to troubleshoot errors!
P.S.,Here error may be broadband issues,Or gateway configuration problem。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh subscriber Subscriber GlobalPortNo DomainName TermName Dn LongDn IfGlobalLongdn SubPBXNo State Bin UserNum ------------ ---------- -------- ----- ------ -------------- -------- ----- --- ------- 1024 10010 10010 10010 NO 0 IDLE NA 1025 6688 6688 6688 NO 0 IDLE NA 1026 2001 2001 2001 NO 0 FAULT NA 1027 2002 2002 2002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1028 3002 3002 3002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1029 3001 3001 3001 NO 0 FAULT NA 1030 4001 4001 4001 NO 0 FAULT NA 1031 4002 4002 4002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1032 5002 5002 5002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1033 5001 5001 5001 NO 0 FAULT NA 1034 6016 6016 6016 NO 0 FAULT NA 1035 6002 6002 6002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1036 7002 7002 7002 NO 0 FAULT NA 1037 7001 7001 7001 NO 0 FAULT NA 1038 8001 8001 8001 NO 0 FAULT NA PriorLevel RegGroupId RemarkInfo DirectDialTKC PotswmiType CallerTimeLimit ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------- --------------- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- Default 0 - -- --- CalledTimeLimit --------------- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------- Matched record number : [15] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== //查看以上列表中某一用户(6688)的详细信息 [%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh subscriber dn 6688 Subscriber Dn LongDn DomainName TermName UserType UserPriorLevel State Source UserSta te ---- ------ ---------- -------- -------- -------------- --------- ------ ------- -- 6688 6688 6688 NORMAL Default IDLE 0 NORMAL SubPBXNo FaxMode RegGroupId BindUserNum RemarkInfo DirectDialTKC RingTypeIndex -------- ------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ------------- ------------- 0 BYPASS 0 NA - - CentrexGroup OutgoingRight IncomingRight Telephonist AreaNumber IfUseCRBT ------------ ------------- ------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- - INTER/LOCAL INTER/LOCAL/DDD/IDD No NO UserName faxmailnumber SubState NewMsgs OldMsgs voipdomain BillingType Suspen dedFlag -------- ------------- -------- ------- ------- ------------- ----------- ------ ------- - Invalid 0 0 DefaultDomain Periodic No PotswmiType ----------- -- CallLimit PwdCallLimit CallerTimeLimit CalledTimeLimit ------------ --------------- --------------- NO --- --- Append Subscriber Information OutgoingCustomRight ConfFactory DistinctRing AutoAnswerDelay ------------------- ----------- ------------ --------------- - - Off 0(sec) ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
4、View the current machine in the Bureau to the list #sh office
Function Description
Use this command to configure the Bureau to quickly determine and relay link,TKGTypeThere are barSIP/Be right,Otherwise drain with agreement,Unidirectional nowhere。In the details of which you can view the current Board to the corresponding prefix、Game's IP address、Board selection code corresponding to。Here you can quickly see the other server IP addresses to numbers by Bureau。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh office Office Office DPX OfficeSelectCode TKGType TimeIndex Charge Percent PeerDeviceName Send Mask// 没有则说明没有配中继协议!! ------ --- ---------------- ------- --------- ------ ------- -------------- ---- ---- 2 N/A 2 SIP/ NA 10 N/A 10 SIP/ NA 16 N/A 16 SIP/ NA 17 N/A 17 NA RecvMask CarrierId RegGroupId CodeType -------- --------- ---------- -------- NA 0 0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 NA 0 0 ------- Matched record number : [4] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== //查看上表中对应局向(2)的详细信息 [%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh office no 2 Office Office TKGType Priority Detail CodeType DPX OfficeSelectCo de// 中继协议 对局中继地址 ------ ------- -------- ---------------------------- -------- --- -------------- -- 2 SIP 0 PeerComponent( N/A 2 TimeIndex Charge CfgPercent CurPercent CallNum PeerDeviceName SendMask RecvMask CarrierId --------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------- -------------- -------- -------- --------- NA NA 0 RegGroupId Officetype ---------- ---------- 0 External Prefix //关联前缀 Prefix ------ 8591 ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
5、View the current machine in the form of all prefixes to modify the index #sh predeal
Function Description
See Modify the form index,This command can quickly determine the function of a modification of the form and content,Simple Troubleshooting。For more information you can also check the correspondence between the Authority and a single form prefix。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh predeal Predeal Predeal ChangeType NumLen ChangePos ChangeLen NewDn NumberType ------- ---------- ------ --------- --------- ----- ---------- 1 DELETE - 0 4 - NONE 2 DELETE - 0 4 - NONE 10 DELETE - 0 4 - NONE 16 DELETE - 0 4 - NONE 17 INSERT - 0 - 1111 NATIONAL 99 INSERT - 0 - 2000 NONE ------- Matched record number : [6] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== //查看以上列表中某一表单(1)的详细内容 [%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh predeal index 1 Predeal Predeal ChangeType NumLen ChangePos ChangeLen NewDn NumberType Prefix ------- ---------- ------ --------- --------- ----- ---------- ------ 1 DELETE - 0 4 - NONE - //如果有多个前缀与之关联,则在最后的Prefix栏会对应多个。 ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
6、Display the current machine all trunk links #sh trunkgroup
Function Description
Use this command to quickly see all of the relay link has been established within the current machine,Get group number corresponding to the link to the Board,So as to modify the calling number to prepare。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh trunkgroup TKCGroup Info // 主叫号码分析 GroupNo Office Protocol Direction BasicOutgoing WithCUS CLIIndex DomainType ------- ------ -------- ----------- ------------- ------- -------- ---------- 55 2 SIP BiDirection --- NO --- COMMON 391 16 SIP BiDirection --- NO --- COMMON 247 10 SIP BiDirection --- NO 99 COMMON ------- Matched record number : [3] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
7、View the current machine relay links Form #sh peercomponent
Function Description
Use this command to quickly get the current relay link relations,View other domain,IP address,Board to set code, etc.,So as to achieve rapid troubleshooting purposes mismatch。
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[%SoftCo9500(config)]#sh peercomponent Peer Component DomainName UsedIPAddr ConfigIP PeerTKCNum SIPTKCNum SIPOffice SIPService Status ---------- ------------- ------------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------ sipserver1 100 100 16 --- sipserver2 100 100 2 --- wj 50 50 10 --- H323TKCNum H323Office H323ServiceStatus HeartBeat HeartBeatPeriod(*s) CommState ---------- ---------- ----------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- - --- NO 120 UNKNOWN(SS ) --- NO 120 UNKNOWN(SS ) --- NO 120 UNKNOWN(SS ) VoipDomain ImsConnId SupportUpdate ---------- --------- ------------- --- --- YES --- --- YES --- --- YES ------- Matched record number : [3] ------- ==== Command executed success ! ==== |
Original article written by LogStudio:R0uter's Blog » Examples of commonly used maintenance commands SoftCo9500
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