所以, 你安裝了 Hestia 作為你的控制面板. 你將用它作為你的電子郵件伺服器. 然後您發現沒有垃圾郵件過濾器,Clamav甚至在安裝過程中選擇了它們的選項.
這是BCS Hestia安裝腳本將檢查您的VPS內存, 如果低於4GB (不確定確切的大小,但是) 它會跳過這兩個.
反正, 我在《 Lightsail》中,我策劃經營小型工作,但需要這兩個夥伴, 我為此創建了交換, 我只需要他們旋轉.
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sudo apt install spamassassin clamav clamav-daemon |
config spamassassin
1 2 3 4 |
sudo update-rc.d spamassassin defaults sudo systemctl start spamassassin sudo systemctl enable spamassassin sudo sed -i "s/#CRON=1/CRON=1/" /etc/default/spamassassin |
1 2 3 4 5 |
sudo gpasswd -a clamav mail > /dev/null 2>&1 sudo gpasswd -a clamav Debian-exim > /dev/null 2>&1 sudo cp -f /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/clamav/clamd.conf /etc/clamav/ sudo update-rc.d clamav-daemon defaults sudo systemctl start clamav-daemon |
config hestia
現在我們已經準備好了, 讓我們將它們添加到Hestia CP中!
編輯此文件 /USR/本地/赫斯提亞/CONF/赫斯提亞.CONF , 在文件頂部添加兩行:
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ANTISPAM_SYSTEM='spamassassin' ANTIVIRUS_SYSTEM='clamav-daemon' |
現在,如果您回到Hestia, 在設置頁面中, 您可以在列表中看到這兩個服務.
還有一件事, 在列表中找到exim4, 編輯配置, then make sure following content is at the top of the configs and un-comment.
1 2 3 4 |
Something more
所以, here it’s pretty straight forward that we make exim4 enabled those two services. (Or one of them if you like). I want mark bit more for the scores. For SPAM_SCORE , it’s the limit for sa to consider if the new email is spam. In the log /是/日誌/郵件.日誌 it will show as 5.x, 例如, 50 here will be 5.0, and if you change it here, the 5.0 in log wont change…. Just ignore it anyway. A clean, and normal email should be scored below 0, as recommend from sa document, 50 (又名 5.0) is pretty aggressive already, good for individual user, if you are ISP, u might want bit higher in case your client complain lol.
所以, for the other one, SPAM_REJECT_SCORE it means nothing if you not tick the box for “reject spam”, 然而, if you did, any spam higher than the value, will be rejected, 該電子郵件將根本不會在您的郵箱中顯示. 發件人可能會收到未能發送的通知.
Hestia官方安裝腳本的所有CMD此處: HTTPS://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/blob/main/install/hst-install-ubuntu.sh
這篇文章有很多幫助: HTTPS://forum.hestiacp.com/t/add-clamav-spamassassin-after-installation/8456
本文由 落格博客 原創撰寫:落格博客 » 赫斯提亞添加 spamassassin 和 clamav